

That’s the number of kids in foster-care who are confused and hurting.

Did you know that the majority of all homeless addicts are former foster kids who aged out of the system because no one took them in and called them loved? Did you know that 20% of foster children who age out ("emancipate”) at 18, will become homeless within one year and exposed to all kinds of wrong paths.

The book of James tells us that “pure religion is to care for the widows and orphans in their distress.” It’s time for the church to rise up and BE TRUE to the person and work of Jesus. Jesus wanted to make it clear what it meant to follow Him and follow His example so He told His followers this …

“When you took in the stranger, when you fed the hungry, when you put clothes on their back, you did this for Me.”

Foster Care Ministry changes the trajectory of the child giving them the self-worth, love, dignity and direction they need to succeed and become all that God dreams for them. YOU can be a vessel of God’s love! Your church can be a vessel of God’s love!